首页>仪器仪表>试验设备>恒温设备>2B Technologies 臭氧检测仪 Model 211 Model 211G 免费发布恒温设备信息

2B Technologies 臭氧检测仪 Model 211 Model 211G

更新时间:2024-01-12 信息编号:2375977
2B Technologies 臭氧检测仪 Model 211 Model 211G
90,000.00 ≥ 1台
  • 90,000.00元/台

  • 211G,臭氧检测仪,211,Model,Technologies,2B,



2B Technologies 臭氧检测仪 Model 211 Model 211G

The Model 211 Scrubberless Ozone Monitor uses the proven ultraviolet (UV) absorption method in combination with an innovative gas-phase scrubber technology to measure ozone virtually free from interferences. The Model 211 is ideally suited for measurements of ozone in heavily polluted air where interferences from particulates, mercury and VOCs may be significant. The new Model 211 combines the stability of our Model 205 Dual Beam Ozone Monitor with our selective scrubber technology to provide highly accurate ozone measurements in the most polluted air. The enhanced optical path length of 30 cm provides a precision of better than 0.5 ppb for 10-second measurements, and the itrument can output new ozone measurements as often as every 2 seconds. SD card data logging is now a standard feature. The Model 211 has been designed by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM), EQOA–0514–215, and is being coidered as new Federal Reference Method (FRM) for ozone.The new Model 211-G Ozone Monitor uses the proven ultraviolet (UV) absorption method in combination with our patented heated graphite scrubber technology to measure ozone virtually free of interferences. The itrument is ideally suited for measurements of ozone in heavily polluted air where interferences are likely from particulates, mercury, and/or VOCs. The Model 211 combines the stability of our proven dual beam ozone monito with our selective scrubber technology to provide accurate ozone measurements in the most polluted air. The enhanced optical path length of 30 cm provides a precision of better than 0.5 ppb for 10-second measurements, and the itrument can output new ozone measurements as often as every 2 seconds. The Model 211-G comes with SD flash card memory as a standard feature. The Model 211-G Ozone Monitor has been designated by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) as a modification to our Model 211 Scrubberless Ozone Monitor: EQOA-0514-215. The Model 211-G offe the ability to measure ozone in heavily polluted urban air with negligible interferences without the use of the nitrous oxide source required by the Model 211. Use of either the Model 211 or Model 211-G in place of conventional ozone monito has the potential to bring many regio into compliance with the new national ambient air quality standard simply by making a more accurate measurement.http:lypeper.b2b168.com

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