首页>仪器仪表>试验设备>恒温设备>2B Technologies 双光臭氧分析仪 Models 205 免费发布恒温设备信息

2B Technologies 双光臭氧分析仪 Models 205

更新时间:2024-01-12 信息编号:2375978
2B Technologies 双光臭氧分析仪 Models 205
69,800.00 ≥ 1台
  • 69,800.00元/台

  • 205,Models,臭氧分析仪,双光臭氧分析仪,Technologies,2B,



2B Technologies 双光臭氧分析仪 Models 205

The Model 205 Dual Beam Ozone Monitor? was designed for even higher precision and faster respoe time than our popular Model 202. Data may be output as frequently as every 2 seconds, making it ideal for vertical profiling using balloo or aircraft measurements where high temporal resolution is required. For a given averaging time, the Model 205 has a higher precision (better than 1 ppb for 10 s averaging) and a more stable baseline than the Model 202. The Model 205 has all of the features of the Model 202 single beam itrument, including a real time clock; averaging times of 10 s, 1 min, 5 min and 1 h; an internal data logger; and serial and analog data outputs. Flash card memory and a long-life, quiet internal air sampling pump are now standard on the itrument. The Model 205 Ozone Monitor has been designated as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) by the EPA (EQOA-0410-190).http:lypeper.b2b168.com

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