首页>焊接切割>焊接设备>电阻焊>TDNT系列摇臂式台面点焊机 箱体点焊机 柜体点焊机 金属柜体点焊机 免费发布电阻焊信息

TDNT系列摇臂式台面点焊机 箱体点焊机 柜体点焊机 金属柜体点焊机

更新时间:2022-06-03 信息编号:1394700
TDNT系列摇臂式台面点焊机 箱体点焊机 柜体点焊机 金属柜体点焊机
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  • 多功能点焊机,柜体点焊机,铝柜点焊机,金属箱体点焊机,摇臂式点焊机,点焊机,



TDNT系列摇臂式台面点焊机 箱体点焊机 柜体点焊机 金属柜体点焊机

TDNT系列摇臂式台面点焊机 TDNT Series Table spot welding Machine 特点及用途: 1、焊枪为垂直式或杠杆加压式结构设计,很容易伸到箱体深处进行焊接。 2、上电极为多关节摇臂形式,*有的平行关节结构使运转灵活、焊接方便、焊接范围*大,只移动焊枪即可在整个台面内焊接 3、下电极为水平工作台,工件可直接放置在工作台面上,操作简单,使用方便,无需特殊的技能或经验均可以轻松的操作。 4、采用气动加压,可降低操作者的劳动强度,获得恒定的点焊压力,使焊点均衡一致。对铁柜、箱体、操作台等产品进行焊接时,产品外表面没有任何焊坑,提高了产品质量。 5、焊接平台可在200mm范围内任意升降,方便不同形状和高度的产品焊接 Main Features: 1、Welding torch to the vertical type or lever pressure type structure design, easy to stretch to the depths of the enclosure to welding 2、For welding arm joint arm structure, unique parallel actuated flexible joint structure, welding range is bigger, every point can be easily reached 3、Level was under the table, the workpiece can be directly placed on the table, simple operation, easy to use, no special skills or experience are easily operation 4、Adopt pneumatic pressure, can reduce the labor intensity of workers, have spot welding constant pressure, make the solder joint equalization.On iron cabinets, cabinet, work station and other parts during welding, external surface of the parts without any welding pit, improves the product quality. 5、 At the same time in the 200mm range the lower welding flat table can go up and down freely, by this way it is suitable for welding various shape and size of products.

余强 QQ





余强余强 18771064168 询盘


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