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供应BT-112 Enameled Wire Stripper

更新时间:2024-03-26 信息编号:2469509
供应BT-112 Enameled Wire Stripper
68.00 ≥ 1瓶
  • 68.00元/瓶

  • Stripper,Wire,Enameled,剥离剂,漆包线脱漆,漆包线脱漆剂,



供应BT-112 Enameled Wire Stripper

BT-112 Enameled Wire Stripper 特性(Characteristics) 1. Be applicable to depainting for motor, transformer, voice coil of the temperature level (180),(200),and other high temperature enameled wire; 2.Operate in normal temperature; 3.Environmental protection (qualified by RoHs test), fast, 0 -10 min to remove. 操作参数(Technical parameters) BT-112 Enameled Wire Stripper is a white emulsion; 操作流程(Technical process) Enamelled wire→Immersed in the solution,1-10min → wash the wire→ wash → solder 包装、运输和贮存(Packaging, transport and Storage) 1.BT-112 uses 1kg / Bottle of strong acid plastic drum,12 bottles/case; 2.Stored at 25 ℃ below, airtight container, the shelf life is 6 months; 3. Product should be stored at the place of ensure of ventilation, drying, to prevent direct sunlight, and isolate the source of fire, away from heat 4.Avoid exposure, rain, high temperature in transit. 注意事项(Attention) 1.You should be careful when you open the lid, as the internal pressure is bigger than external. the lid may spout. 2.You should wear protective gloves, protective clothing, masks, glasses, avoid to contact with skin, eyes, if you are injured,flush with water immediately (severe required medical diagnosis);

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